Welcome to Social media age

Isn't it shocking how people record terrible  incidents that could have been averted  from beginning?
A lady shared her experience with a conductor on her way to work one morning, trust Lagos public transport conductors; an argument ensued between her and the conductor,  then he (conductor) became abusive and was threatening to beat her up although he was clearly at fault. According to her, what suprised her more was the way the whole passengers kept a straight face and nobody tried to caution him, then it occurred to her that these same people would be the first to bring out their phones to cover the scenario if the conductor carried out his threat. So she kept quiet and got down at the next bus stop before reaching her destination.
Now that was wisdom in action, the sooner you realise that people are more interested in covering the scenario than saving you the better; when next you think of starting an argument or a fight with someone in public be ready to go viral on internet. Welcome to the social media age.


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